Rebrand Personality

Professional, but at the same time looks like the fun type of guy. Display a confident and fresh look, maybe the type of person most people would look at and want to be associated with. 

Current Brand Personality

If Nokia were a person, he would be in the late 40s range trying to act like he is in his early 20s. He seems boring/dull and the type of person who would keep to himself the whole time. He seems like he tries to look 'chic', but fails to do so. Also, it seems like Nokia is lagging behind when it comes to fashion and doesn't seem bothered about that.


The logo seems like it was created under pressure, almost what you would expect when much planning hasn't been done. It's very text based and could use some sort of imagery; considering that devices are getting smaller, and a full text logo will be too hard to recognize. Its associated with its colour: A dull blue tint. It has a very corporate look to it and seems like it wouldn't be very appealing to a younger audience. The font could definitely use some work, maybe something that represents the current era/generation. Nokia's logo needs to adapt to the current demographic: Civilized , short attention spans.

Day 2

It has been decided, Nokia is what I will work with for the remainder of the summative! Hopefully...

Day 1

Can't decide what logo to work with; IBM, Visa, Guess, Shell, Nokia....